Monday, August 24

Day One: Day Of Dissapointments

I'm writing this at about twelve. I've gotten through a little over half of the school day and while there were many postive suprises and unexpected things is still not where I want to be. And things, for the most part, have not changed.

Marely: Marley is this very weird, very "creeper-y" (her words, not mine) girl. She used to date my friend Joshua and they were one of those on again off again couples (that ended with both of them being fed up with the opposite gender and deciding to focus their romantic affections on their own gender). She started crying in the middle of morning meeting, and just lost it. She left the room, per her usual method of dealing with the sudden onset of tears which she finds to be a very effective means of garnering sympathy. I am, out of all of the adolescent females in my life, the closest to her. But its hard when she is always talkig about lesbians, having babies with lesbians, raping people and people of Asian descent.

Freddy: Freddy is Marleys best friend/lesbian lover (her words, not mine). He is 100% straight, and 100% male (I shall not divulge the circumstances under which I affirmed this...but they are not sexual, they just involve nakedness). He is also her enabler; he allows her to hang off of him, grope him, play the "are you nervous game" (you slowly move your hand up somones inner thigh asking are you nervous) but instead of doing it the right way she just gropes his package. I don't know about you, but for two 16 year olds to be playing this game, in school, in public is rather atypical. Freddy, for lack of a better explanation, simply doesn't get it. He succeeds, sure, but he doesn't get the mechanics of it. He does have good timing; this I must give him credit for. He might not always say funny, nice of PC (I'm not a sucker for PC-ness, but jew jokes do get old...) but the timing with which he does say them is immpecable.

Eloise: Eloise is one of those people who MUST, at ALL costs be the weirdest one in the room. She is into anime, and hair dying and techno raves. I suppose another thing that bothers me about her is her absolutely remarkable ability to please everyone. She ALWAYS says the right things, and if it weren't for her massive pores and lack of ability to correctly apply foundation I'd say she had perfected life. But because of the above, and because she has breasts the size of pluto everyone male (including Emma) is absolutely smitten with her. And because everybody and the kitchen sink in love with her she somehow came to conclusion that everybody wants her advice, approval and presence.

Eloise I have the biggest problem with, she is remincent of the Headmistress...and we all know that story (well, you, dear reader know some of it, perhaps one day I will feel like typing it all out...but you know the basics). But because Marley, Freddy (and occasionally William and Seamus) flock to her like waterless people in a desert flock to an oasis, I can either go it alone or give in and sit on the fringes of their conversations where I never really feel welcome.

I didn't really expect much else, and I've decided regardless that for however long I'm here (which should be at most the first sememster) I will focus purely on acedemic success. I cant imagine that will be easy with their constant chattering...but I suppose it won't be the hardest thing I've ever done...

(sidenote: this was written durning the day, I just never got the oppourtunity to post it because they finally got around to putting a password on the wireless.)